‘Core message’ contains a summary of, & link to ‘The Longest War’, written in January 2022.

‘Video’ contains a Renegade Inc programme called ‘The Quickening’. A 30 minute conversation with Ross Ashcroft, the programme aired on RT on 1st July 2019.

‘Archive’ has links to all the stuff I’ve written since 2014, when I began commenting at the Financial Times newspaper.

Assassination of Major-General Qasem Soleimani

I have been writing about a coming US war on Iran for the past couple of years. What has happened in Baghdad over the past week has brought this much closer, and may eventually be seen as the beginning of it.

Let me be clear: The action carried out by the United States is being presented as a defensive response. It is not. The ‘intent’ behind this is premeditated…it was just a matter of time and opportunity. Conflict with Iran has been inevitable since the day that Trump entered the White House loaded up with ‘contributions’ from Sheldon Adelson, a Las Vegas based billionaire and gambling mogul, who once advocated dropping a nuclear weapon in the Iranian desert, to be followed up by one in Tehran if the Iranian Government didn’t roll over and die.

His actions since then, including moving the US Embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem, recognising the occupied, and energy rich, Syrian Golan Heights as part of Israel, his exit from the JCPOA, and his all-round ‘butt kissing’ of Benjamin Netanyahu have sent a very clear message to those not living in cloud cuckoo land…which is apparently less than 10% of America and ‘the west’. From the people I follow who live and work in places like Iran, Syria and Lebanon, I can tell you that the percentages are very different. When Donald Trump says, for example, that Soleimani is hated in Iran, his words register ‘9’ on a bullshit scale of 1-10. The vast majority of Americans will however simply believe the word of a serial liar and terminal narcissist…because ‘he’s one of us’. The Democrats, with the exception of Tulsi Gabbard & Bernie Sanders, are as in thrall to the Military Industrial Complex as the Republicans.

For those who are unfamiliar with my previous writings on this, here they are, in chronological order:

September 2017: https://renegadeinc.com/psychopath-puppet-princeling-israel-us-saudi-arabia-preparing-public-opinion-war-iran/

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The events of the past week will be a major item in the papers and on the news this weekend. Much of it will be garbage: The official US Government line along with the usual jingoistic media ‘analysis’, particularly in the US. If you want an accurate account of the events, along with a ‘sane’ analysis of where we are, I recommend you read this, by Patrick Henningsen at ‘21st Century Wire’:

Jan 3rd 2020: https://21stcenturywire.com/2020/01/03/trumps-fatal-mistake-in-iraq-and-beginning-of-end-for-us-occupation/

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Finally here is a concise & incisive piece by Philip Giraldi at ‘The American Herald and Tribune’: Jan 3rd 2020: https://ahtribune.com/world/north-africa-south-west-asia/iran/3782-end-of-america-imperial-ambitions.html

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There will be no ‘victory’ in a war against Iran. Those currently cheering for their ‘Decisive Commander-in-Chief’ are living in cloud cuckoo land. As for us ‘Brits’…well, you know what to expect…cautionary words…followed by capitulation to the war machine. This doesn’t end quickly, and it doesn’t end well.

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Fear not, civilisation is safe in the hands of these clowns

New Year Wishes for 2020