‘Core message’ contains a summary of, & link to ‘The Longest War’, written in January 2022.

‘Video’ contains a Renegade Inc programme called ‘The Quickening’. A 30 minute conversation with Ross Ashcroft, the programme aired on RT on 1st July 2019.

‘Archive’ has links to all the stuff I’ve written since 2014, when I began commenting at the Financial Times newspaper.

29th January 2021: Truth will have the last word

Henry Kissinger gets ‘fawned over’ wherever he goes…hero of Tony Blair, mentor to Klaus Schwab…considered one of the wisest men on the geo-political stage. When assessing the words of ‘wise (wo)men’…I look at their deeds as well as their words, and I ask myself ‘what is he peddling?’…’what is she glorifying?’,…‘what does he want me to believe?’…’what’s her agenda?’…because these people are not updating us, they are programming us. It’s about ‘power’.

Not ‘love’, not ‘truth’…but ’power’. Power, without Truth, absent Love…is ‘evil’.

“Through their fruits, you shall know them”

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Will we get an apology from the Guardian of Liberal Bullshit…I think not…we’re supposed to believe they made a mistake…we’re supposed to ‘forget’…I don’t forget stuff like that. Do you?https://www.theguardian.com/science/2020/apr/06/coronavirus-cure-fact-check-hydroxychloroquine-trump

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Just because you don’t believe in ‘evil’, doesn’t mean it doesn’t believe in you…

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And finally for today, unless something grabs me before I go to bed tonight, here’s one of the groomed ‘scientists’ giving us his latest wisdom on ‘mutants’:

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Every day, more people are waking up…the Truth will have the last word.

Have a good weekend


PS I might have known Blofeld would show up:

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30th/31st January 2021

28th January 2021: The Bottom Line