‘Core message’ contains a summary of, & link to ‘The Longest War’, written in January 2022.

‘Video’ contains a Renegade Inc programme called ‘The Quickening’. A 30 minute conversation with Ross Ashcroft, the programme aired on RT on 1st July 2019.

‘Archive’ has links to all the stuff I’ve written since 2014, when I began commenting at the Financial Times newspaper.

Trump & the 'booster'

Yesterday, on Tuesday 21st December 2021, an article appeared in ‘Natural News’ entitled “Trump’s vaccine-pimping rhetoric proves BOTH parties are prostitutes to pharma and the central banks”.

The article includes a short video (1’25”) of Trump on stage in Dallas, Texas. First you will see him addressing the audience, before being asked a question by the interviewer, Bill O’Reilly. I suggest you read the article and watch the video…now…before coming back here to read my comments.

Note: The video may do ‘weird stuff’. If you find that it is ‘sound only’: stop it, slide it forward…the picture should magically appear…then slide it back to the beginning. I will be referring to content and body language, so I want you to both see AND hear. Here’s the link:

LINK: https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-12-21-trumps-vaccine-pimping-rhetoric-proves-both-parties-prostitutes-pharma-central-banks.html

OK…so you will have had a reaction, probably a strong and immediate one. It may have confirmed negative beliefs about Donald Trump…it may have put doubts into your mind about him…it may have disappointed you to be presented with ‘evidence’ that the guy you thought was for ‘We the People’, is a vaccine peddling member of the cabal. You may have had an entirely different reaction, or a number of different ones. That’s fine…of course. What I’d like you to do, is to hear what I have to say…and then re-examine the ‘evidence’ in the light of that.

The part of the clip I wish to draw your attention to, as suggested by the name of this piece, starts at 1’12’’ where Bill O’Reilly says:

“Both the President and I are vaxxed, and…(turns to Trump)…did you get the booster?”

Please return to the video and watch this AGAIN…pay close attention to Trump’s reaction…do that now please.

What you’ve just seen is a delayed reaction. Those of you who have studied this stuff, and I know that some of you have, will have spotted this already…but let me spell it out:

Trump was asked a simple yes/no question…one which requires NO THOUGHT, he either did or he didn’t…he then pauses before saying ‘Yes’ in a ‘forced’ fashion…then IMMEDIATELY afterwards he looks ‘embarrassed’ or slightly ‘ashamed’. Go back and watch it again for a third time…notice the pause…catch the forced ‘yes’…then freeze the frame on his facial expression. See it? It’s unmistakeable. Note that ‘embarrassment’ and ‘shame’ are very un-Trump.

What am I saying?

Trump lied. He wasn’t expecting the question…he had absolutely no need to think about the answer, he KNOWS the answer…he had to compute whether to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

I’ll eat my hat if he took that booster…and I don’t think he took the double-dosed vaccine either. So, here’s the next question:

If Donald Trump lied…Why did he lie?

Let’s pause again at this point to acknowledge that our pre-conceptions will become VERY ‘triggered’ at this point…we are all experts at proving ourselves right about our existing beliefs…and I am no different. But let’s try to THINK rather than REACT:

  1. Has Trump been ‘in on it’ from the beginning? Is he an agent of ‘Big Pharma’, as the author of the above article suggests? Is he, in effect ‘controlled opposition’?

  2. Is he being blackmailed?

  3. Is he unbelievably ill-informed, to the degree that he is unaware of the adverse reactions being created by this abomination of a ‘vaccine’?

  4. Is there some other explanation?

I think there is another explanation.

Ultimately I don’t care if you like it, some of you will, some of you won’t…here it is:

If Trump said he had NOT taken the booster, the media would unleash a shit storm on him…on his supporters…on everything the MAGA movement stands for. It would provide the cabal with EXACTLY the distraction they need for the Durham enquiry, the election audits, the Maxwell trial, the vaccine mandates, Biden’s dismantling of the economy, the military, the border…EVERYTHING.

He made a choice…to lie…to deny the cabal more ammunition to attack him with…he chose the lesser of two evils…and he didn’t like it.

There are a few more points I’d like to make:

  1. Personally I think that Trump made the decision to push ‘WARP SPEED’ because the cabal’s plan was to use the scamdemic to lock the economy down completely…to destroy it…to introduce ‘The Great Reset’ as a ‘rescue plan’ that people would fall over themselves to agree with. I think he stopped that

  2. The stuff Trump said at the beginning of the video about the ‘vaccine’ being ‘all our achievement’, is BS. None of those people had ANYTHING to do with it

  3. Trump said, and has always said, that NOBODY should be forced to take the jab. For the author of that article to say: "Trump's public speech on the vaccine has become indistinguishable from Fauci's"…the guy is clearly not listening...or thinking...at all

So finally…please give this your best ‘critical thinking’ before you make up your mind or choose to settle on a working hypothesis. I may be wrong and if it comes to pass that I am…I will hold my hands up and say so. Ultimately this isn’t about Trump…this is about the future of humankind…so let me repeat something I’ve said before:

Personally, I do not regard Trump as my saviour…I’ve been fighting these bastards for a very long time, and I will not ‘give up’ whatever happens…but I do regard Trump as the legitimate President of the United States, a patriot, someone who wants to see the end of these Luciferian scumbags as much as I do. If I’m wrong on that, I’ll just have to give myself a kick up the arse for being ‘duped’, and then carry on.

And I promise you I will. This is the hill that I’m prepared to die on…and I believe that we will win.

The TRUTH is coming for ALL of them

"There’s never been a pandemic like it..."

Do you realise? A poem, of sorts