‘Core message’ contains a summary of, & link to ‘The Longest War’, written in January 2022.

‘Video’ contains a Renegade Inc programme called ‘The Quickening’. A 30 minute conversation with Ross Ashcroft, the programme aired on RT on 1st July 2019.

‘Archive’ has links to all the stuff I’ve written since 2014, when I began commenting at the Financial Times newspaper.

Musings #2

If you are getting ‘worn down’ by the constant stream of COVID COVID COVID…if you’re thinking that maybe this is a fight that you cannot win…if you find yourself wilting under the accusations of ‘selfishness’, the constant stream of ‘Killer Variant’ bullshit from CNN & the BBC…that’s EXACTLY how your puppet government wants you to feel. It’s normal to feel that way under such pressure…it’s what you do about it that counts.

The 'cabal' have the politicians, the media, big tech, big pharma, Hollywood. the 'scientific' establishment, the judiciary, the guys running the police. But their power rests on THREE BIG FAT LIES, which are dependent upon each other to keep the edifice from collapsing:

1. Covid is a scam designed to create fear & compliance, so that they can implement…

2. The Great Reset, which is a gulag advertised as a holiday destination, and…

3. They had to steal the US election because unless they destroy America, they will fail, and they know that

What stands in opposition? THE TRUTH. When ONE of those three lies is brought down...they ALL go down.

Keep your spirits up, look after yourself & your loved ones, and know this: TRUTH IS STRONG, like the people who stand for it...lies are weak, like the parasites that hide behind them…and ignorance is hollow, like the accusations of those who are too arrogant or lazy to think for themselves.

Maricopa is coming, as are a number of other ‘things’. The first brick in a fortress of lies is always the hardest to shift…but a lot of other bricks rest on its ‘integrity’. It has no integrity.

Chin up :-)

- 4th August 2021

The cabal don't ‘create’ anything. They steal, they groom, they bribe & they blackmail. Their 'edge' is their psychopathy which equates to greed and a total absence of conscience. The top layers are too disgusting for public consumption; generations of lying, plotting and marrying your first cousin or your niece will do that to a 'family'. Beneath them there are minor families that produce narcissistic creeps like Gates & Schwab, desperate to prove themselves to the upper pyramid. This gang of parasitic thugs have been 'getting away with it' for centuries...plotting the 'big one' for decades. But here's the problem for these creatures: they can buy politicians, blackmail judges, acquire the media, put trained monkeys in front of a camera...but there is one thing they cannot do: they cannot buy the TRUTH, they cannot control it, alter it or stop it…and it’s coming for ALL of them.

Epstein Gates Summers.png

- 3rd August 2021

Stealing an election is an act of treason. The involvement of a foreign state is an act of war. If both crimes are committed…I.E.: if the newly installed executive is a ‘Manchurian Candidate’, if the legislature refuse to act, if the judiciary refuse to act...the responsibility for restoring the Constitution & the Republic falls to the military, under instruction from the legitimate Commander-in-Chief.

As and when the military take actions to fulfil this duty (in the public domain), they will be accused, by the puppets & muppets of the cabal, of ‘insurgency’. This, as with everything that comes from the mouth of a snake, is a 180 degree reversal of the Truth. The ‘insurgency’ already happened, the ‘coup’ already took place. Military action, authorised by the constitution & the military code of justice, issuing from an order of the legitimately elected President, is an act of COUNTER-insurgency.

That is what it is, and that is how history will record it.

- 3rd August 2021

Imagine how 'divorced' from your own integrity you must be, to want to spend time with this POS? (either of them). Forget all the BS about 'I didn't know'...they ALL know. You think you can turn up at the same World Economic Forum/Bilderburg/Secret Handshake events year in, year out, and not KNOW what's going on?

So imagine how lacking in personal ethics YOU would have to be, to take money from a fucked up narcissist who rode into town on Mommy's address book, passed a bunch of other people's stuff off as his own, crapped on anti-trust laws his entire career, 're-invented' himself as a 'philanthropist'...who hangs out with a known pedophile & child trafficker?

Seriously...could you sleep at night if you were 'De-Pop' Willy Gates...or even if you were doing business with the little shit?  Well...apparently your Prime Minister, or President does sleep at night. That’s how bad this is. Abusing the children is OK with these creatures. Well it’s not OK with me.

Every single one of these evil fuckers needs to be taken down and put away…for good. Every. Single. One.

Epstein Gates close-up.png

- 4th August 2021

Keep the pressure on
