‘Core message’ contains a summary of, & link to ‘The Longest War’, written in January 2022.

‘Video’ contains a Renegade Inc programme called ‘The Quickening’. A 30 minute conversation with Ross Ashcroft, the programme aired on RT on 1st July 2019.

‘Archive’ has links to all the stuff I’ve written since 2014, when I began commenting at the Financial Times newspaper.

Midpoint...Big Week...

Prince Chubby Gormless of the Saxe-Coburg & Gotha ‘family’ was ‘served’ this week, for the rape of a 17 year-old girl he claims never to have met…despite the existence of a picture of him with his arm around her -Virginia Giuffre, (then Roberts) - with Ghislaine Maxwell standing next to them. The legal papers were served to the court in London and his lawyers in the US, because Chubs went into hiding to avoid being served. Gone are the days when the 2nd son of a ‘royal’ branch of the cabal had ZERO chance of being hauled up in court like one of the ‘cattle’. The significance of this, for the vast majority of the population, hasn’t sunk in yet…it will…

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Have you seen the ingredients of ‘Comirnaty’? Neither has anyone else:

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LINK: https://www.fda.gov/media/151733/download

Meanwhile in Australia, the population is getting a demonstration of why the government was so keen to take away their guns a few years back…so that their brainwashed “I was only following orders” cops can shoot Aussies in the street for the crime of demonstrating their God given right to be FREE.

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LINK: https://t.me/MarkGBBlog/609

Here’s another heavily-armed, heavily-padded goon beating up on a small unarmed, unpadded person:

And here’s a gang of cops firing at people running away. You’ll see one of them fall after being shot in the back…be sure to watch until the end when you’ll see the NSW Health Minister, Brad Hazzard, reminding everyone of what they’ve “got to accept”…and why.

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LINK: https://t.me/MarkGBBlog/612

Do you have what it takes inside you (your ‘spirit’), to say this word out loud…and MEAN IT?


Do you wonder why you never see any of this on the media? Hopefully, that question strikes you as rhetorical…nevertheless here is the reason:

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You need to remember these people are NOT your friend…it’s a ‘spell’…they don’t exist for YOU…

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LINK: https://t.me/MarkGBBlog/615

Finally, listen to this doctor giving testimony to the FDA:

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LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFph7-6t34M&t=14984s

Part 2 of the Veritas Covid ‘Vaccine’ Whistleblower ‘drops’ tonight at 8pm Eastern…Maricopa ‘drops’ on Friday afternoon…who knows what else…this is a BIG week…

Don’t be phased by the ‘noise’…

The TRUTH is coming for ALL of them

Project Veritas - Part 2 - Undercover with FDA 'economist'

Project Veritas 'vaccine' whistleblower goes public - Part 1