‘Core message’ contains a summary of, & link to ‘The Longest War’, written in January 2022.

‘Video’ contains a Renegade Inc programme called ‘The Quickening’. A 30 minute conversation with Ross Ashcroft, the programme aired on RT on 1st July 2019.

‘Archive’ has links to all the stuff I’ve written since 2014, when I began commenting at the Financial Times newspaper.

Ernst Wolff gets it…and other things

A few items for your attention…

First off…the following speech was given by Ernst Wolff, German author & journalist; a guy who focuses on the global financial & monetary system. Simply…he ‘gets it’: this a superb analysis & clear description of ‘where we are’ and ‘how we got here’, along with a positive view on the ‘opportunity’ this brings the human race as we free ourselves from a ‘parasitic’ system (my word not his). It was brought to my attention by an old friend of mine, Ray; thank you Ray. I highly recommend you listen to what Ernst Wolff has to say:

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LINK: https://odysee.com/@LongXXvids:c/Ernst-Wolf-speech---summary:3?fbclid=IwAR3722AH_EtDuMkEeQnqwl5g5mwzojgWf16HMPZFk1dlEi47_EgS5Z7NxNs

Secondly, a brief update on Maricopa. It’s important to understand that there are three aspects to a forensic audit:

  1. The physical ballots (how many, who for, chain of custody etc)

  2. The voting machines (what happened ‘inside’ the machines and ‘between’ the machines & outside digital networks)

  3. The canvass (cross checking results with actual voters - do they exist? Did they vote?)

Item one has been completed, despite numerous hurdles put up by the Maricopa Election Supervisors. Item two has been repeatedly blocked by the same ‘supervisors’ who have refused to release relevant passwords DESPITE subpoenas issued by the courts. Item three has been slowed down considerably by the Department of Justice who have threatened the auditors with prosecution, despite the fact that the process is perfectly legal, and was agreed UPFRONT, by the Arizona Senate. To put it bluntly, the DOJ are ‘scared shitless’. It’s easy to see why…

Yesterday, Liz Harris appeared on Steve Bannon’s ‘The War Room’, show on ‘Real America’s Voice’. Her team have been ‘quietly’ canvassing in Arizona since early December. On the show she revealed a proportion of the findings: the result of knocking on 11k doors and receiving 4570 responses. Of those, more than a third (34.23%) said they voted in the Maricopa election, yet the County lists them as NOT having voted. They were not asked who they voted for (this is ‘forensic’ not ‘partisan’)…but it doesn’t take Einstein to form a working hypothesis. The canvass reports explains:

“Extrapolating these results to the entire county, which can be done at a scientifically correlated level of 95%, it is estimated that 173,104 voters has their votes stolen”

Biden ‘won’ the state of Arizona by 10k votes.

Now let’s look at ‘ghost votes’. Basically, a ghost vote is someone who doesn’t exist at a specified address, or, believe it or not, someone who ‘lives’ at an address that doesn’t exist. Using the same extrapolation as above, Liz Harris’ team identified 96,389 of these. The following is the cover slide of the report which shows a photograph of one such address that cast a mail-in vote - the vacant lot at 2058 E, Wildermuth Avenue, Tempe

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If you’d like to see the whole report, you can download a pdf from my Telegram account here: https://t.me/MarkGBBlog/445

So please know this: when I said months ago ‘watch Maricopa, it’ll be the first domino to fall’ or words to that effect, I WAS NOT KIDDING. The truth will out, and nothing these ‘little shits’ try to pull will stop it.

Thirdly, a comment on what’s happening in Australia. Take a look at these comments by Dr Kerry Chant, the New South Wales Chief Health Officer:

“We need to get used to being vaccinated with COVID vaccines for the future … I can’t see COVID is not going to be with us forever…So even if you run into your next door neighbour in the shopping centre…don’t start up a conversation, now is the time for minimising your interactions with others, even if you’ve got a mask, do not think that affords total protection”

LINK: https://summit.news/2021/09/06/dr-chant-covid-will-be-with-us-forever-people-will-have-to-get-used-to-endless-booster-vaccines/

I've heard people wondering if politicians like Kerry Chant have been bribed or if they’re just irredeemably stupid. People often overlook the 'blackmail' option, which is always available to the cabal; whether they use it or not…these politicians do NOT attend elite 'gatherings' without the cabal’s ‘intelligence’ people accumulating 'artwork' & other 'receipts'…

But whether through bribery, blackmail or ‘grooming’, Rockefeller & his cockroaches have been 'priming' Australia for years; it's why the Australian government took away the guns…it's why they've been legalising the invasion of data, etc.

Australia is the prototype: it's a vision of they want to do in America. Fortunately for America, AND THE WHOLE WORLD, Americans will never give up their guns. Unlike the rest of us, Americans won their freedom from the cabal 250 years ago, by kicking their arses out, with guns. That will NOT be necessary this time, but the mere existence of those guns prevents the globalists doing to the US what they're doing to Australia. The Feds will NOT be going door-to-door in Texas…

OK…let’s finish with a smile. Read this:

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The playbook is predictable, the big picture hasn't changed

The revolution will NOT be televised