‘Core message’ contains a summary of, & link to ‘The Longest War’, written in January 2022.

‘Video’ contains a Renegade Inc programme called ‘The Quickening’. A 30 minute conversation with Ross Ashcroft, the programme aired on RT on 1st July 2019.

‘Archive’ has links to all the stuff I’ve written since 2014, when I began commenting at the Financial Times newspaper.

The Longest War

We are in a war. A World War. On one side stands the mass of humanity, most of whom do not know they are in the midst of a war, or that they are the target of an ‘invisible enemy’. On the other side, a much smaller group, with its tentacles everywhere: a cabal of ‘elites’ & their puppets in possession of enormous wealth acquired through theft and malfeasance, controlled through banks, corporations, offshore entities, intelligence agencies, philanthropic foundations, globalist agencies and national governments. Their influence is asserted through the careful manipulation of greed and fear. Their primary strategic tool is to create ‘problems’ that generate ‘reactions’ that create a demand for ‘solutions’, which they have pre-determined will increase their power. Their ‘people-management’ tools are bribery & blackmail and the secrecy that they guarantee. The prize for the winner of this war is different for each side: freedom for humanity, total control for the cabal. Defeat means the end of a way of life for each group. For humanity, defeat means perpetual slavery; for the cabal it means a ‘reckoning’, but for its leaders & its senior lieutenants - the racketeers, war-criminals, human traffickers, pedophiles & political traitors – it means they go ‘bye-byes’.

In history books, wars are listed with start & end dates: when the war was officially declared & when the surrender or peace treaty was signed. ‘Reality’ isn’t like that:

Wars are fomented...agendas are hidden...the ‘fighting’ takes place...the shenanigans continue.

For example, the Second World War did not ‘start’ when Hitler invaded Poland & Chamberlain delivered his famous “I have to tell you now that no such undertaking was received” speech on BBC Radio. Such a narrative overlooks a multitude of events, not least of which was the punitive settlement to WW1 & the subsequent throttling of the German economy by the ‘victorious’ powers of England & France and their masters in ‘international banking’...a polite description for ‘The Cabal’.

Similarly, the ‘Russian Revolution’ of October 1917 was not an ‘uprising of the proletariat’ or anything so ‘noble’ as freedom for the masses. Such fairy tales conveniently omit the involvement of western bankers who arranged for Trotsky to travel to Russia through Canada with a ‘boatload’ of cash with which to fund the Bolsheviks - a bunch of sociopaths & cut-throats, few of them Russian, who despised the peasants more than the Tsar had ever done...who subsequently starved & slaughtered tens of millions of peasants in their ‘purges’.

Hidden agendas are the rule, not the exception, and ‘history’, as we are taught it, is the fabrication of those who hold those agendas. In short, it’s not HIStory...it’s not OURstory...& it’s certainly not MYstory; it’s THEIRstory...and it’s a crock of shit.

Who are ‘they’?

For this I will make a little detour which will lead us to back to the main thread via an important point.

Before I was ‘suspended’ from Twitter, the majority of my posts were addressed directly to the power-players behind today’s hidden agendas; now, as ever, the cabal’s frontmen & their puppets in ‘public service’. These include Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Boris Johnson, Emmanuel Macron, Justin Trudeau, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton...etc...it’s a long list. I communicated directly, in order to send them...and us...a message:

We know who you are We know what you are We know what you want The answer is NO

Of course, I never received a reply, not even from my own Prime Minister in response to a registered letter to Downing Street...but getting a reply was never my goal or expectation. The point was to cut through the bullshit, and encourage more of us to speak out...because ‘silence’ is THEIR friend, not ours.

However, I did receive occasional visits to my website from a chap calling himself ‘Bill’, who presented himself as someone of importance. In March of 2021, after reading a piece that included tweets such as these…

...’Bill’ made the following comment (the highlighting is mine):

“I don't understand this blog. It seems to be just hatred of the elites, and a kind of waterboarding. I confess a morbid curiosity, you do know that if you have nothing original to say you can just leave your blog as is? 

You don't like the elites, but you secretly know you wouldn't last five minutes running the planet, whence you don't try to. My family has managed humanity for thousands of years, the result is imperfect, but fine”

Whether this was the ‘real’ Bill Gates, or just some poser trying to sound impressive, or even if there’s another parasite out there by the name of ‘Bill’...it matters not. Similarly it matters not whether ‘Bill’ used the phrase“managing humanity” inadvertently or deliberately...either way it speaks to a partial truth...one that I would correct as follows:

“My family has ‘sucked on’ humanity for thousands of years...but we don’t want the peasants to know who their real enemy is, because if they find out, it’s the end of us”

If you’re surprised by the stunning lack of humility in Bill’s comment, don’t be. These guys are quite clever but not very bright…self-awareness is not a strong suit amongst those who want to rule the world. I did suggest to Bill at one point, that he write a book entitled “My family has managed humanity for thousands of years, the result is imperfect, but fine”, and see how it turned out for him...but I don’t think we should get our hopes up.

But putting that aside, Bill’s ‘little fit of pique’ illustrates an important point: 

The cabal’s war for control of humanity did NOT start when COVID-19 was used to close down the world in early 2020...or when 9/11 was used as the excuse for the ‘War on Terror’ in the noughties...or when Agenda 21 was cooked up in the early nineties...or even when JFK was ‘assassinated’ in the sixties. These are just some of the ‘battles’ that have occurred in my lifetime...’victories’ for the cabal, ‘defeats’ for humanity...but they didn’t START anything. This war been going on for centuries...and what we are witnessing now is the final series of ‘moves’.

What are these final moves...in broad terms?

The cabal’s goal is described in a number of places, in a number of forms, depending on the target audience.

The ‘Georgia Guide-Stones’ speak of a world population of 500 million (a reduction of 7.4 billion people, or 94%), ruled by a one world government and a one world ‘religion’. Agenda 21/2030 is a detailed description of the New World Order. The Great Reset is a re-statement of Agenda 21 to create the impression it’s a response to COVID...which it isn’t. In a nutshell what they want is this:

A de-populated world controlled by global elites...who ‘manage humanity’ through social credit, cradle-to-grave medicalisation, genetic modification & 24/7/365 monitoring. Ergo: Dissent becomes impossible > Total control is achieved > The Longest War is finally won.

If this still sounds like ‘conspiracy theory’ to you, after everything these creatures have done these past two years...you might try doing more research &/or waking the fuck up.

How was this supposed to play out during the years 2008-2024?

By necessity, this is a very brief summary.

America is the key to the cabal’s final victory.  Even Creepy Klaus Schwab is not arrogant enough to believe they can ‘rule ze vorldt’ without bringing the US to heel: eroding her economic & military strength, demoralising her people, destroying their constitution. The Bill of Rights is a big problem for the cabal because it is America’s fundamental law...and it deliberately protects the individual from the government, NOT the other way round. For example, the 2nd Amendment (The Right to Bear Arms), protects the 1st Amendment (Freedom of Speech & Religion). An armed population is NOT compliant in the face of tyranny. Clearly this constitution has to go before the cabal can institute the World Government that they have sought for so long.

2008-2016: Barack Obama

Obama is a ‘construct’, groomed for a specific purpose; a plausible bag of wind, good at sounding like he believes in the right things: 

  • Peace (which is why he kept 2 wars going & started another 2)

  • Prosperity for working Americans (which is why he bailed out Wall Street & gave the CEOs a free pass, but threw Main Street under the bus...also why he continued to export American jobs through bullshit trade deals favouring globalist corporations)

  • Healthcare (which is why he made it more expensive for the consumer & more profitable for the providers)

  • Safe communities (which is why violent crime went up, particularly in Democrat controlled cities)

  • Freedom of speech (which is why he expanded wire-tapping, arrested journalists & went after more whistle-blowers than any previous president)

One of Obama’s jobs, in preparation for the New World Order, was to ‘get the guns’...but despite his best attempts to build popular demand for it, and despite the fact that there were more mass shootings under him than any other president (convenient)…he failed miserably. Why? Because a ‘people’ who won their independence from a tyrannical government through armed resistance, does not easily forget how they did it...and because anyone who actually THINKS about it, will soon realise that if law abiding citizens relinquish their guns, it leaves ‘power of coercion’ in the hands of the criminals, and an even more dangerous group: The government that took away their guns. 

Question: Can you imagine what would be happening with vaccine mandates if Americans had given up their arms? Think Australia, think New Zealand...

But it is AFTER Obama that it really started to go wrong for the cabal. Barry was supposed to be succeeded by Hillary...who would have started a war with North Korea &/or Iran, continued the eradication of America’s economic power, and accelerated the attacks on the constitution. 

The truth is: They never thought Hillary would lose. 

The 2016 election was supposed to be a ‘contest’ between two cabal shills: Clinton & Jeb Bush –  a case of ‘heads the cabal wins, tails the people lose’. Clinton knew she’d win the Democratic Primary, because it was rigged. Bernie Sanders, for all his bluster, is easily controllable when it comes to the final showdown (I.E. He keeps his mouth shut & surrenders). 

But did the Democrats cheat in the General Election of 2016? Well, after Trump’s massive rallies, Clinton’s disastrous campaign, and bearing in mind that the campaign teams look at real poll numbers, not the garbage that CNN shows the public...of course they did. But clearly, they didn’t cheat big enough. Their arrogance cost them dearly.

2016-202?: Donald J. Trump

Donald Trump was NEVER supposed to walk into the White House as President of the largest economy & Commander-in-Chief of the strongest military on the planet. Why not? 

Because Trump is not ‘one of them’.

(I’m aware that some of you disagree with that statement, so I’ll come back to it further on. For now, stay with me.  You can dismiss it later if you still think I’m wrong)

During his first four years in office, Trump screwed the cabal’s plans & their timeline for Agenda 21/2030:

  • There was no new war

  • He withdrew from the World Health Organisation & the Paris Climate Change Accords

  • He built a southern wall that stemmed the flow of drugs & human trafficking

  • He renegotiated NAFTA, brought manufacturing jobs back to America, and created energy independence

  • He rebuilt & re-energised the military

  • He made his anti-globalist position crystal clear at cabal controlled forums such as the UN and the WEF

He also survived two bullshit impeachment attempts, 4 years of ‘Russia-gate’ lies, and a 24/7 assault from cabal controlled media.

At the end of 2019, the economy was growing, wages were up, unemployment was down, things were looking very good for Trump’s second term. By contrast, the Democratic Primary field was spectacularly mediocre, if it’s possible to have such a thing. The one exception was Tulsi Gabbard, who was never going to get media coverage, however much sense she made.

Given that a 2nd Trump term would sound the death knell for the cabal’s plans...TRUMP HAD TO BE REMOVED. Time to throw everything into the fight, and that’s exactly what they did: They created a fake pandemic to close the economy, justify mail-in voting, and provide cover for a massive vote rigging exercise which took effect across 50 states in order to hide the anomalies that would have been blatantly obvious had they only rigged the swing states. Despite that, Trump won 18 out of the 19 bellwether counties...and still ‘lost’. Nope...Trump won...by a lot.

Now...let’s come back to Trump’s role in the ‘pandemic’ and consider his comments regarding the ‘vaccine’...which is the basis for the recent increase in speculation that Trump is ‘one of them’.

Trump’s comments in early 2020 about the virus being “an act of war worse than Pearl Harbour, worse than 9/11” are on record. Similarly his attempts, very early on, to promote Hydroxychloroquine and other therapeutics are on record. Both of these positions were originally used by the media to ridicule Trump...nothing new there then. Now, they are barely mentioned by the media, for two reasons:

  1. His comments on the source of the virus are looking more prescient as each day passes

  2. His promotion of therapeutics is being vindicated by real scientific studies around the world

And yet, he gets no credit. Of course not. This is WAR. The enemy controls the scientific community & the media...if you expect ‘fair play’ you’re delusional.

On the other hand, none of this explains his subsequent ‘support’ for the ‘vaccine’. I say ‘support’ rather than ‘promotion’ since it is obvious to anyone who pays attention that Trump always stresses that he is against mandates.

But the question remains:

Why doesn’t Trump condemn the ‘vaccines’?

Consider this possibility:

In 2020: Trump calculated that had he continued to promote therapeutics, every death ‘due’ to COVID would have been laid at his feet, he would have been unable to push for opening up the economy as hard as he did, & he would have lost the election (for real). Biden would’ve kept the country locked down for another 2+ years before releasing a vaccine that would, after such a long & catastrophic period for the population, receive almost universal uptake. The cabal would have won the war.

If you view the ‘vaccine’ as a deliberate assault on the human race...as I do...the proposition that the deaths & adverse events that we are seeing are a result of vaccine development being speeded up, is not a compelling one. On the contrary, accelerating the process, having it done on Trump’s watch, putting distribution in the hands of the military (as it was before Trump left the White House) provided the means to disrupt the cabal’s timeline & mitigate the damage. When Trump says that Warp Speed saved hundreds of millions of lives, he is understating the de-population agenda that his defeat was supposed to enable. You think I’ve lost my marbles by saying that? Let me ask you this:

Do you honestly believe that Trump can reveal what is going on at this point, without being crucified by the media, & losing ALL credibility with the ‘normies’ who are oblivious to the fact that ANY of this is happening?

But what about his recent comments?

In January 2022...Now, as then, if Trump came out against the vaccine, EVERY death from COVID (including the ones from the ‘vaccine’, which are being blamed on COVID) would be laid squarely at Trump’s feet. The media would use it to destroy him, making his return incredibly difficult, if not impossible without civil war.

The question then becomes: Are Trump’s statements encouraging people to take the vaccine? Last week, ‘Patel Patriot’ who wrote the ‘Devolution’ series I have recommended to you a couple of times, did a Telegram Poll where he asked his readers the following question:

Bear in mind that the people who follow ‘Patel Patriot’ are overwhelmingly Trump supporters. Only 1% of over 81,000 people said that Trump’s position has convinced them to take the vaccine. Before you say “but that’s still over 800 people”, ask yourself this question: How many people who hate Trump, would take the vaccine if he condemned it? The truth is we don’t know the answer to that question...but I do know this: 

Trump’s condemnation would unleash a tidal wave of pro-vaccine propaganda, and would play right into the cabal’s hands.

Think about it.

What will happen next? Who will win this war?

The short answers: I don’t have a crystal ball or a ‘looking glass’...and: We Will.

It’s easy, and quite normal under traumatic conditions, to get lifted by every piece of encouraging news, and go down with every setback:

  • Dr Malone rips Fauci a new one...”champagne!”  

  • Some asshole politician in Australia sends another group of innocent people off to the ‘concentration camp’ in Queensland...”we’re doomed” 

The problem with this is - you miss the trend. So I encourage you to look for the trend. For example: do the ‘good guys’ have more momentum now, than we did a few months ago? I say that the answer to that is a resounding ‘yes’. Whether you look at the scientific consensus, the size & geographical spread of protests, even the questioning in parts of the media...they are all moving in the right direction. Legal decisions against the mandates? – ditto. Record number of CEOs ‘retiring’ – ditto. Congressional grifters announcing they won’t run in November – ditto. CNN Producers getting arrested for abusing children – ditto.

I would also caution you to avoid getting fixated on any one issue:

This war is being fought on many fronts

Right now, just in the ‘visible’ frame, the cabal is playing DEfence on many fronts: 

  • Maxwell has been found guilty. Epstein’s ‘deal’ has been unsealed by the judge in Virginia Giuffre’s case against Andy Pandy

  • John Durham’s enquiry is closing in on the Clinton campaign, who commissioned the fake Steele Dossier, which was used to fuel ‘Russia-gate’. Bear in mind that we know that John Brennan, as Head of the CIA, advised Obama that he knew that Clinton was using this dossier to distract from her email scandal. It goes right to the top

  • The investigations into election fraud have not gone away whatever you hear, or don’t hear, from the mockingbird media. Malfeasance is being uncovered in many states

  • Fauci is under attack from RFK Jnr, Dr Malone, Rand Paul, Senator Ron Johnson…the clock is ticking down

In the ‘invisible’ frame...let’s just remind ourselves that in war, you don’t tell the enemy or the public what you’re doing because that decreases your chance of victory. I’m not claiming to have any direct contact with, or ‘source’ within the ‘White Hats’ – I don’t.  But I do spend a lot of time & energy reading the lines and in-between the lines. For what it’s worth, here are just ten of my ‘wishes’ for 2022 & the years that follow...and my expectation is that I will look back on 2022 onwards as very good years for humanity:

  1. Trump back in the White House

  2. Fauci, Whitty, Tedros arrested, tried & if found guilty of crimes against humanity, which they will be, jailed for life or executed

  3. Vaccines withdrawn 

  4. Pharmaceutical companies taken to the cleaners in the courts. Patents that the cabal have been sitting on, released for public benefit

  5. Gates, Soros and the rest of the cabal frontmen arrested, tried & if found guilty of treason & crimes against humanity, which they will be, executed. (Just before he ‘left office’ Trump signed an executive order authorising execution by firing squad. He also expanded the court facilities at GITMO. I do NOT believe this was for Afghan tribesmen)

  6. The guys ‘behind the curtain’ exposed publicly or otherwise ‘dealt with’ by SEAL Team 6 &/or other special forces

  7. Bergoglio no longer sitting on the throne of St Peter, replaced by a Man of God. Vatican purged of criminals & pedophiles; relieved of its stolen treasures and hidden knowledge of our real history

  8. New asset-backed currencies implemented across the planet. Central Banks despatched to the dustbin of history where they belong

  9. Cabal assets confiscated and used to ‘make the people whole’

  10. The plague of child trafficking & pedophilia exposed, the perpetrators dealt with, our children safe from depraved & soulless predators

‘That’s all good’, you may say…before sobering yourself with this question:

If Trump ‘has it all’, as he claims, why is it taking so long?

Whilst I sympathise with your frustration, and feel that way myself from time to time, I remind myself that we have NO WAY to know for sure what is going on behind the scenes. Would the cabal take hostages? Yes they would. Would they threaten to release a biological weapon? There is absolutely nothing that I wouldn’t put past these monsters. Are there things I haven’t thought of, or couldn’t conceive of given my vantage point? Of course there are.

Despite all that, I have entered 2022 with these questions on my mind:

  • Will there be major arrests this month?

  • Will the military use the EBS to inform us of what’s being done?

  • Will they show us taped confessions & evidence of the crimes that have been committed?

I don’t know…I hope so. But this, I do believe:

The TRUTH is coming for ALL of them

Updated information from Mark Sexton

Happy New Year...